Decorative Collective -

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Item Details

Circa 1880. A late Victorian profusely carved mahogany four door breakfront bookcase. The stylish moulded cornice with carving beneath, with a well carved frieze with foliate carving and raised panels. Four large glazed doors with four adjustable shelves in each of the sections, there is carved corbels between each of the doors with foliate and tapering bell drops. Beneath the top section there is four drawers each with carving similar to the cornice, with cast brass foliate inspired handles with drops on the back plates, the inside of the drawers are polished. The base with four doors each with raised carved panels, canted corners with C scrolls and foliate carving on each corner. Each of the panels with various musical instruments in the style of Grinling Gibbons with corbels on each side of the doors. All sit on a large enclosed mahogany base, the bookcase breaks down into six sections for ease of movement.

  • Period: Circa 1880
    • Price: £11,500.00
    • €13,813 Euro
    • $14,479 US Dollar
  • Location: Scotland
    • Dimensions: H: 260cm (102.36in)
    • W: 256cm (100.79in)
    • D: 38cm (14.96in)