Brighton Stanhope Fishy Needle Case
Stock No
- £140.00
- €167 Euro
- $183 US Dollar
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Item Description
A Victorian needlecase carved as a fish, the stopper enclosing a Stanhope showing six views of Brighton.
Probably French. 4.5inches long
Microphotography, invented in 1851 by J. B. Dancer, required an expensive microscope in order to view the photograph. However, in 1857 Rene Dagron invented a method of mounting the microphotograph, using Canada balsam as adhesive, at the end of a tiny Stanhope type lens magnifying the transparency by some 300 times. The modified Stanhope lens was small enough to be mounted in all manner of miniature artifacts and souvenirs including such novelties as this needlecase.
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London, London
Item Location
United Kingdom
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