Decorative Collective -

Sellers's Details


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Item Details

A good 17th century stumpwork picture, probably depicting Catherine of Braganza, within a wonderful, three dimensional wreath surrounded by flowers and insects wrought in a multitude of complex stitches, the stag and unicorn at the base line are stumpwork. Within a fine, period, cushion-moulded frame of Walnut.
English circa 1670.
During the 17th century, women, both rich and poor, were expected to become proficient in the skill of needlework. Only a privileged minority could afford both the time and the materials to produce a panel such as this, which would have been made to demonstrate the level of skill achieved as well as something highly decorative for the home.
o.s:21.25 in x 17 in


  • Period:
    • Price: £4,800.00
    • €5,613 Euro
    • $5,999 US Dollar
  • Location: London