Queen Anne Style Walnut Cheval Mirror
Stock No
- £575.00
- €691 Euro
- $724 US Dollar
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Item Description
Circa 1930. A Walnut framed Queen Anne style cheval mirror, the rectangular frame with a shaped top with a stylish moulded fore-edge, the frame retains the original mirror, which is supported on two uprights surmounted by stylish finials with the frame being held in place by cast brass axe-head drops, the two uprights are braced by a shaped stretcher, all resting on four downward facing sabre legs.
Item Info
Seller Location
Edinburgh, Scotland, Scotland
Item Dimensions
H: 159cm W: 44cm D: 50cm
Circa 1930
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Location
Edinburgh, Scotland, Scotland
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Contact No
+44 (0)131 5537286
+44 (0)7836 283669