Mid Century Still Life Oil Painting - Mary Duncan
Stock No
- £1,650.00
- €1,979 Euro
- $2,044 US Dollar
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Item Description
'Still-Life with Globe' - A simplistic, yet bold composition, with an emphasis on form and light. This oil on board painting is by Cornish-based artist Mary Duncan.
Mary Duncan was born in Bromley, Kent in 1885. She studied art at both the Slade, and in Paris. After having lived in Dublin (c.1910) and in Bushey, Herts (c. 1922), she moved to Cornwall in 1925. Her first home was in Paul (nr. Penzance), and it was whilst in this location she began to regularly exhibit in the Newlyn Art Gallery. In 1936 she moved to Mousehole (Cornwall), where she remained until she died in 1964. Barbara Hepworth and Ben Nicholson moved to Cornwall (St Ives) in 1939 and their presence became a strong influence on local artists, such as Peter Lanyon and Terry Frost, amongst others.
'Still-Life with Globe' by Mary Duncan definitely has strong 'sculptural' qualities that could well have been influenced by the St. Ives group of artists. It also has 'Impressionistic' qualities which could reflect the influence of Mary's early years in Paris.
The painting is in very good condition having been in the same family since it was first purchased. Original exhibition label to reverse, with a later date annotation of '1930'. It's possible that it may have been painted at a later date than this, but certainly no later than 1950.
Item Info
Seller Location
Cornwall, Cornwall
Item Dimensions
H: 53cm W: 47cm
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Location
Cornwall, Cornwall
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Contact No
+44 (0)1579 344647
+44 (0)7952 346678