20Th Century 'La Tour Eiffel' Oil Painting
Stock No
- £395.00
- €472 Euro
- $520 US Dollar
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Item Description
To the rear stands the Eiffel Tower.
This romantic view of Paris is signed by the artist, Jean Raine, to the lower right.
Circa 1950
Inscribed to the rear Paris 'La Tour Eiffel'. In wooden frame of the period.
Dimensions[inc frame] 64.5cm h x 84.5cm x 6cm
Item Info
Seller Location
Tetbury, Gloucestershire
Mid Century
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Location
Tetbury, Gloucestershire
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Contact No
+44 (0)7792 139252
+33 (0)6 73 61 79 54